Summer 2017 Job Posting


As previous years, Bethel Bible Camp is looking for two summer employees; for maintenance and administration. If this is something that may interest you please read the following job descriptions, or pass on the information to someone you think may be an assist to have at camp.

Maintenance Worker:
STEP summer facilities maintenance worker
Start date:
May 1, 2017
End date: August 31, 2017
Wage: $2500/month
Role: To work alongside the BBC Committee throughout the summer months in various facilities maintenance work, including construction, repair, painting, lawn care, systems maintenance, chore crew facilitation, and other duties as they arise. The successful candidate would be responsible to the facilities sub-committee. Organizational, computer, and previous experience at Bethel Bible Camp would be an asset. Must comply with Bethel Bible Camp’s statement of faith. Must have own transportation, to get to and from the camp facility as needed (a truck with towing capacity would be an asset.) This job is full-time, and very self-directed, so a responsible, initiative-taking person with the ability to learn quickly is needed. To apply, please send resume and references to Please direct questions to Chairman, Lonnie Brown.

Administrative Assistant:
STEP summer administrative worker
Start date: May 1, 2017
End date: August 31, 2017
Wage: $2500/month
Role: To work alongside the BBC Committee throughout the summer months in various administrative tasks, including camper registration, staff registration and paperwork, preparation of weekly staff/camper lists, staff recruitment, camper follow-up, maintaining the web presence of the camp (and other communications), and other duties as they arise. The successful candidate would be responsible to the staffing sub-committee. Organizational, computer, and previous experience at Bethel Bible Camp would be an asset. Must comply with Bethel Bible Camp’s statement of faith. Must have own transportation, to get to and from the camp facility as needed. This job is full-time, and very self-directed, so a responsible, initiative-taking person with the ability to learn quickly is needed. To apply, please send resume and references to Please direct questions to Chairman, Lonnie Brown.
Application Deadline: February 28, 2017.

Please see our website for more information, and contact BBC if you have any questions

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