The Bethel Bible Camp Committee is looking for feedback on the following proposal:The BBC Committee is looking to increase parent involvement in their child’s camp experience. We are looking at the option of changing the midweek visitors night to an opening night parent meeting and an invitation to the final chapel service. This optional meeting would allow parents to sit down with both the director and speaker of the camp and hear about the camp program. This will also give parents an opportunity to ask questions and learn more about their child’s upcoming week. The final morning chapel at the end of the week will also be opened up to all parents. Family will be given an opportunity to listen in as campers conclude their week and watch a closing slideshow.Please let us know about our proposal through email at
Besides the ongoing needs of a summer of camp, this year we are not only looking at the building project, but the camp also has 2 summer students and is looking at having a camp manager as well – please consider how you can support us financially, as we continue to serve God together at BBC.
Reno 2016
Please specify if you would like your donation to go toward the building project.
Supplies or Skills
Graham Letts
Weston Snider westonsnyder85@hotmail.
Camp Schedule 2016
WIWACS Jun 3-5
Soccer Jun 10-12
Ladies Jun 24-26
Sr High Jul 3-9
Jr High Jul 10-16
CTP Jul 17-22
Day Camp Jul 17-22
Intermed. Jul 24-29
Family Jul 29- Aug 1
CAYA Aug 2-5
Children Aug 7-11
Girls Aug 14-19
BTS Sep 9-11
Please consider serving at camp this summer!
Contact a committee member
Check out the website for more info.