Help us continue to Bless our community, for 75 more years
“Bethel feels like home to me. It is the place that I have found deep and rich relationships, where I’ve encountered God time and time again, where I’ve grown into who God created me to be, and where I’ve found the most joy.
Bethel has radically changed me — it’s a place that I have truly experienced the love of Christ and where I have learned to love like Christ.”
“I felt God’s love demonstrated & presented in such Glorious ways.
One year at teen camp we talked about the magnificence of the stars. It made me realize, the One who could create anything, created me, loved me, and DIED FOR ME!
His Love is Glorious!”
– Jac
“Bethel has been a significant part of my development for over 15 years. My spiritual development, development of relationships and development of my confidence. There’s something so rejuvenating about removing yourself from distractions and focusing on being in a community devoted to learning about Christ, having a lot of fun and spending time together.”
– Jesse
Bethel changed my faith in God to
a friendship with Him, a fellowship
with His community, and a focus
on serving.
– Amy
When I was in high school it was a very dark place, and my faith wasn’t there.
At the end of Grade 12 I did CTP, and counselled for Day Camp and Children’s Camp and I felt God work in so many cool ways.
Thinking back to my first year of Senior High camp he worked there too, in subtle ways, I didn’t notice it.
I can’t wait for Camp Made New to have enough donations to build! This building project just shows how much God is working even if we can’t attend camp.
– Luke S
Bethel has been and still is such an important part of my life. I’ve made lifelong friendships, and felt God’s love through the people at Bethel Bible Camp.
God has done such incredible things there and I’m excited to see how the new facility continues to glorify Him!
– Angélique
Our girls loved camp,
one of their favourite summer memories
food, fellowship, fun,
new friends,
meeting Jesus close
– Dora
Bethel has been a part of my Christian walk since a young age. I have vivid memories from the time I was a young kid, to junior high, to my last summer at Bethel as a camper. These include playing soccer with friend, hearing messages during chapel that shaped and impacted me, and gathering around the campfire to sing goofy songs and hear people’s stories! A good story is powerful, and camp is a place where our stories, and the gospel story, collide, which is a beautiful and wonderful thing.
– Jimmy
Bethel is the first place I really came to understand God’s character and what serving Him looks like. I felt so supported and held by the staff at Bethel as a camper that their service is what models mine when I return to camp to serve year after year. Knowing that my pervious counsellors were serving the same purpose and the same God as I do is only one of the reasons I think the camp and all the staff are so unified. God’s presence at camp has unified the place for so long.
– Madison