There are three steps for applying to staff any position:
WHAT IS A STAFF APPLICATION? – The Bethel Bible camp staff application form consists of three parts – 1) what camps you wish to serve at 2) a self declaration of the reasons you desire to serve at camp, your Christian testimony and statement of faith, and 3) your agreement to conduct yourself as a Christian role model to campers, in accordance with camp rules and regulations and in submission to the direction of camp administration and directors.
You will only need a criminal record check completed if you will be 18 or older while you are woking at camp.
VALIDITY – Criminal records checks are valid for three years from the date of issue.
Two ways to obtain a Criminal Record Check:
RCMP: 1) obtain a deferral letter by emailing info@bethelbiblecamp.ca and asking for one.
2) Go to your local RCMP station – with 2 pieces of ID (one must have a photo on it)
3) Ask for a “Criminal Record Check including Vulnerable Sector Check”, for a volunteer position.
4) Give them your letter of deferral.
5) Send a photo or Scan of your Check to info@bethelbiblecamp.ca (or bring it to camp in-person)
(going to the RCMP is not applicable for people who live in Edmonton)
Edmonton Police Services: 1) Click the Link above (or here)
2) On the right click the button that says “Register for your Police Information Check” (unless you already have an account)
3) Fill out personal information.
4) Select the “Police Information Check with Vulnerable Sector Search” Volunteer section.
5) The price will be $15 (there is no option for a deferral with Edmonton Police Checks) — if you have any questions or concerns about this fee, please contact us.
6) You will need to provide a picture of 2 pieces of ID (one with a photo).
7) When they return your check, please Forward the email to info@bethelbiblecamp.ca
VULNERABLE SECTOR MUST BE INCLUDED – When obtaining a criminal records check be sure to include “vulnerable sector” check as youth are present at camp.
This form is to be completed by a spiritually mature leader in your life. Simply send them the link to the form for them to submit.